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Category: Fiction

Break #4 of 4

Read Break #3 here   Gunshots are much louder than they sound on television. So much more. And somehow, they seem less painful. Or is that just the shock of getting shot working on me? I look down, my ears ringing so much I’m surprised…

Break #3 of 4

Read Break #2 here I move aimlessly, going through corners and walking long routes. All this time, my mind doesn’t seem to function. So many thoughts running through it I don’t even know where to begin. I don’t think I can even begin. What am…


He was walking down the un-tarred road of Ishieke, this boy with a neat afro cut and chalk-white shorts. If there was someone walking along the street at that time, perhaps a teenager, said teenager would see him; this boy on chalk-white shorts and ripped…


 “I don’t think this can work between us anymore…” I never thought that these would be the last words I’d ever speak. I always imagined my last words would be something along the lines of ‘Always show love and kindness to people’ or ‘Make your…


I’d always loved toy dogs. Ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted one. But dad would hear nothing of it. Mum hated dogs and that was it. I mean, what harm could they do? They were just tiny creatures needing love and they also kept company.  …

Break #1 of 4

I gasp heavily for breath as I open my eyes.   They slowly focus, and what I see is a little strange. Quite a quaint room; bare walls, simple door, a window with the blinds down, and a was-white-but-now-kinda-grey ceiling I think.  My ears are ringing loudly. Or…